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Category: Home Sense

How Much Does Home Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Home Insurance Cost?

You’ve negotiated a good deal on your new dream home. It’s in the perfect neighborhood and in great shape. Even better, those monthly mortgage payments won’t stop you from going out to a nice dinner occasionally or even heading off on vacation. Everything is perfect. But hold on. Did you factor in the cost of homeowners insurance? Thankfully, the cost of homeowners insurance typically doesn’t have...

7 Alternatives to a Traditional Grass Lawn

7 Alternatives to a Traditional Grass Lawn

Every homeowner dreams of having a yard filled with lush, perfectly green grass. But if you manage your own landscaping, it doesn’t take long to realize that achieving lawn perfection takes a whole lot of time, work and money. You have to water, fertilize, mow, weed, trim, dethatch, aerate… the list goes on. And if you slack on yardwork, your lawn will quickly take on...

When Should I Call My Insurance Agent?

When Should I Call My Insurance Agent?

While the information age has graced us with many online conveniences, there are areas of importance where only a conversation with another person will do. Insurance is one of those topics. Talking things over with a friendly, knowledgeable agent — especially one from a proven provider who knows your circumstances personally — can mean a big difference when it comes to planning your security. But...

What is Guaranteed Replacement Cost?

What is Guaranteed Replacement Cost?

Few things in life are worse than losing your home to fire or a natural disaster. Except, that is, discovering in the aftermath that you don’t have enough homeowners insurance coverage to rebuild the house back to how it was before trouble struck. If you get Guaranteed Replacement Cost (GRC) coverage, that is unlikely to happen. Why? GRC will pay for the full cost of rebuilding...

Flooding: What Damage Can It Do to My House?

Flooding: What Damage Can It Do to My House?

“Welcome to the neighborhood!” one of our neighbors called while we were standing in the front yard of our new home. On any other day, it would sound like a normal greeting. But on that particular day in June 2014, my husband and I wryly laughed at their joke. Our neighborhood had just flooded ‒ literally days after we received our keys. We waded through...

Maryland Insurance Quotes

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