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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

What Insurance is Needed to Protect Your Townhome?

What Insurance is Needed to Protect Your Townhome?

We may be slightly biased here, but protecting your home and personal belongings is important—and often required. Usually, selecting policies is pretty straightforward, but one question we often get is how to select the correct policy for your townhouse. For specifics on policies and what fits your exact situation, we always recommend you speak to your local insurance agent, but let’s cover some of the...

6 Renovations to Boost the Value of Your Home

6 Renovations to Boost the Value of Your Home

Home renovations are a powerful tool for increasing the value of your property. Whether you’re planning to sell or want to enhance your living space, strategic improvements can offer a significant return on investment (ROI). However, while engaging in renovations is tempting, it’s imperative to consider the potential insurance implications of substantial changes. The following suggested renovations can boost your home’s value and ensure you’re...

What’s a Home Inventory, and Why Do I Need One?

What’s a Home Inventory, and Why Do I Need One?

What if you were asked to make a list of everything inside your home from memory? Chances are, you’d end up forgetting a thing or two... right? Well, if you ever have to file a homeowners insurance claim after a fire or major disaster, you could be asked to do just that. That’s why you need a home inventory. A home inventory is exactly what...

What is a Peril on Homeowners Insurance?

What is a Peril on Homeowners Insurance?

While you may be familiar with the obvious need for homeowners' insurance, the finer details and definitions of your coverage may be less clear. Take insurance peril, for example. Even long-time policyholders may be unfamiliar with the term or confused with other concepts. So, what are perils, how are they related to risks or hazards, and why are they important to understand? What Does Peril...

5 Ways to Avoid Parking Lot Accidents

5 Ways to Avoid Parking Lot Accidents

Parking lots can be treacherous territory. In fact, tens of thousands of crashes and hundreds of deaths occur each year in parking lots, according to the National Safety Council. The good news is that your auto policy extends to parking lots. Just check in with your local agent to make sure your coverage limits provide you with optimal protection for the range of potential parking lot...

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